Monday, January 14, 2013


We all have them...some good, some bad, some just plain 'ol embarrassing.
And they are never talked about, until now...
A few weeks ago I was reading one of my fave blogs, Living in Yellow, and she had got the idea from one of her fave blogs of having her readers leave comments anonymously.
The twist was that they weren't just regular comments, these were comments telling of their deepest, darkest secrets.
Hence the anonymous posting!
I will tell you, I couldn't stop reading every comment.
I kept going back just to see if new secrets had been posted.
(I may have even posted a secret of my own)
Most of them were hilarious, some of them embarrassing and a few made me tear up.
It was awesome!
So I'm going to be a little copy cat-er and give you all a chance to share your secrets ANONYMOUSLY right here on All My Love. :)
This is going to be fun. Nobody will know it was you.
(As long as you remember to post as anonymous!) 
P.S. Make sure you spread the word,
the more people who know,
the more dirty little secrets you get to read!
And don't worry, I'll be posting a few secrets of my own. 


  1. I like to pick my nose while im driving

  2. If my husband knew this I would die because I really do love him but I always wonder what my life would have been like if I had married my ex instead.

    1. I married my husband for the money not for love, um still in love with my ex!

  3. I am completely paranoid that when im home alone strangers are peaking through my windows even when I know the blinds are closed.

  4. I steal office supplies from my job to use at home, got caught once and wrote up but I still do it

    1. I do that too, hut I've never been caught yet.

    2. I'm a girl and I like to watch porn when my husband's not home. Isn't that usually the other way around, I feel like such a weirdo!

  5. When I'm by myself I feel so alone like no one would even realize if I went missing. Its really depressing.

  6. I have to remind myself that imstraight sometimes because I catch myself fatasicing about girls that are prettier than me. I don't know if I'm just really insecure and jealous or just bisexual...

  7. I have a wife and a girlfriend and they are complete opposites. I can't stand the thought of losing either one of them.

  8. I like the smell of my own farts and of my earwax

  9. I like to tell the biggest story I can think of...I have an entire lie life worked out in my head now that I have to try really hard to keep straight. this wouldn't be so bad if I had known when I met my boyfriend that he would end up being my boyfriend. I had to tell him that basically everything I said when we first met was a lie. awkward.

  10. I keep a pack of cigarettes in one of the drawers in my kitchen so that I'm really challenging my self control. I quit smoking several years ago but still get the urge daily. I havent told any one that before.

  11. My husband makes me so mad sometimes that I do things to him while hes sleeping. Like plug his nose and pluck his armpit hair. The worsse thing I have evr done to him is One time he made me so mad I put exlax in his dinner and he had the craps so bad. He has no idea to this day.

  12. I sing like I'm in the opera when no one is home...its horrible but I love it! Lol
