Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Life of a Conductor's Wife

My husband, Ryan,  is a freight conductor for the railroad. But above all, hes the conductor of my heart. =P

When you think conductor you may think of the guy standing outside of the passenger trains yelling "All Aboard" But that's not what a freight conductor does. They don't carry passengers, they carry hazardous chemicals, coal and other various items. Conductors do everything except 'drive' the train. Ryan has to do so much and he has to know even more. Its not a job most people could do. But as hard as his job is, I feel that it is just as hard to be the wife of one of these guys.

He has no work schedule. He works on call all of the time. They have a system they can log into on the computer to see what out they are. When I say what out they are, that means there's a list of all the conductors in order of who's next to be called. If he is head out, he is next to be called. If he is 3rd out, he probably has anywhere from half a day to a whole day before he gets called. We never know. Because of this unpredictable schedule, he misses holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and more. Its hard. But its worth it. Its enabled us to live comfortably. He makes what is called a guarantee. Meaning he cannot make less than a certain amount for being on call. They pretty much pay him for sitting around and waiting for a phone call. When he works he gets paid by the day/job so he always beats the guarantee. Some jobs pay more than others and he works all over the place.

I am alone 85 to 90 percent of the time. When he gets called to work, they give him a two hour notice. They can call anytime day or night. If he gets called for an out of town job he could be gone over night or for up to 3 days. They cant work for more than 12 hours so by the time they get the train to where it needs to go, they are out of time and stay in a hotel for their rest. If its a local job they come home. They get a mandatory 10 hours of rest after each job they work. So once their rest is over and if everything with the train is on time, they will be on their way back. Some trips, like to Russell Kentucky, they have a turn around of 24 hours. Which means once they get the train there they are stuck in a hotel for a day. So if he leave Tuesday afternoon, they get there in the middle of the night, stay in the hotel for a day and he doesn't get home until Thursday evening, assuming everything ran on time. There's so much more to it, but you get the gist, right?

Like I said, it's lonely. It takes a strong relationship and good communication to get through it. Trust is a big thing. The divorce rate for employees of the railroad is higher than the national percentage. That's crazy, right? But its true. If you think about it, my husband can be in 4 to 5 different cities depending on what job he gets called for, just staying in a hotel. Would most women be okay with their husbands staying in a hotel out of town? I don't think so. But its a job to him, not any sort of opportunity. Communication is key. We text each other, talk on the phone, and even have web cams so we can see each other if the loneliness gets too bad. We keep each other informed of whats going on. I don't even want to talk about how dangerous his job it, I worry constantly.

I was never good at being alone. I pretty much revolved my life around my husband before he got this job. I am no longer that way. Although I still need him very much, I have my own independence now. I have become involved in many different things that keep me busy so I don't feel the loneliness so much. I work a full time job from 8:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday and sometimes hes home when I'm at work. Or Ive scheduled something thinking he's probably going to be out of town and hes not. So theres even times that its not his job keeping us apart. Its a very difficult balancing act. Trying to do what we need to do and still make time for each other and keep our marriage strong.

This life isn't for everyone and its been so hard at times. But we have adjusted and believe it or not have gotten into a routine. We value each other more, trust each other more, communicate more and to be honest I think it has made our marriage stronger. I wouldn't have said this a year and a half ago when all of this started, but I wouldn't trade this life for the world. I am so proud of my husband for what he does and how hard he works. I know its even harder on him that he has to be away and miss things I know he very much wants to be able to go to. But he does it all with no complaining and he truly loves his job. Who wouldn't love riding on trains all of the time?

So theres a glimpse into my life. I wasn't planning on writing this when I picked up my computer, but my husband left today for work and its was on my heart.


  1. Beautifully written Lyndsay. You have shared your life and marriage in a very positive manner. I love trains and could see why Ryan would enjoy his job so much. You are his helpmate and by your love and understanding during these lonely times, you enable him to do his job to be best of his ability. You make a great team! Love you.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. I am also a CSX freight train conductor's wife and today the loneliness was getting to me. In the past three weeks, he has been home for about a day, twice a week. I'm sitting here alone, feeling sorry for myself and missing him like crazy. It was so nice to read this encouraging viewpoint. It has placed hope in my heart that one day I can get to that place on contentment. It is not going to be easy because I absolutely hate being here alone all the time. I confuse his love for his job with thoughts that he loves being away from me, when in my heart I know that is not true. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It has helped this fellow conductor's wife heart!

    1. So glad I could help :) I knew I wasn't the only wife out there feeling this way, its nice that we can support each other!

    2. Yes dealing with a conductor is a can be alone by yourself majority of the time and we barely spent any time together.I just tried to be supportive of me very understanding

    3. I'm a girlfriend of a conductor it is very hard when we do see each other is at night.I've been there when he's gotten the call 2 hours.

  3. Well Im not a conductor's wife yet.. but i am a girl friend.. and this has really helped me know more about the life for us in the future.. I do love my boyfriend alot and it has been tough without him here. But Im starting school in August for nursing so Im hoping that will keep me busy. i do miss him but we do try to text or call when we can. Im really hoping that it will get sorta easier..??

    1. It does get easier! And communicating is key. It's good that you're staying busy, that really helps the time go by faster. :)

  4. I am a Norfolk Southern Conductor's wife of almost 2 years. Your blog described my life to a T. It definitely takes a strong woman and a lot of trust to live this lifestyle. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. Nice to meet you! It does take a strong woman, you are right :)

  5. Thanks Lyndsay. My husband leaves in 4 short weeks for Atlanta. I am already missing him! I hope the kids and work will keep me busy. And that it will prepare me for all the long periods of time he will be away from home when he gets back and starts working. Your story was very inspiring!
    Amy B,New csx freight contractor's wife!

    1. You're welcome! :) Its definitely worth it, and you have me and I'm sure everyone else who has commented on my post to talk to if you need some support! :)

  6. He left today for the redi center. I miss him so much already! it's gonna be a long 6 weeks.
    Amy B. , Freight conductors wife:)

  7. it is a tough lifestyle, especially with kiddos! i struggle with the times that he is home (but waiting on the call) it could be 2-4 days you never know. how do you and your husband participate, help out with chores, kids, etc.? does he help when he's home or does he continue to just lay around waiting for the train?

    1. We just had our first child about 3 months ago, so it has been a lot of give and take. With being called to work all hours of the night, its easier for him to wake up in the middle of the night if the baby is crying, and I am up with him most of the day. When he's home, we really share a lot of the chores, but its different all of the time. He just does what I need him to at the time. There are days he does just lay around because he knows the call is coming and wants to catch up on his rest. Believe it or not we have gotten into routine, but its one that other people probably wouldn't understand haha!

  8. So excited to see this blog! My husband "joined" back in '08, but was furloughed soon after - he's been in the military for 4 years & is heading back to the RR in just a few weeks. Milso's have tons of blogs & such, so when the going gets tough there's tons of other spouses to talk to... not so much for the conductors wife!!

    1. Thank him for serving our country! I think that is such an honorable and brave thing. And congrats to him on being called back! I know what you mean about there being NO blogs for the conductors wife! I'm glad I could offer that to other ladies living the same lifestyle I am, its definitely nice to meet you all!

  9. My boyfriend wants to join but I'm so attached to him that I am sad instead of being happy because of how much money he would be making. He says he will probably be out for a whole week and be home the next week. I love him soo very much and I want the best for us I'm just scared of how its going to be. We have a really strong relationship and we trust eachother a lot. So I know that we can get through it.

    1. I'm glad you are confident that you will get through it, that's a good attitude to have and I share that attitude with you! Money isn't everything and I know it will be hard and you'll miss him but you will be surprised how normal it will all start to feel. :)

  10. Hello all,
    I recently started dating a guy that works for the railroad. I am really feeling him and vice versa. He is an awesome guy. I can see and feel myself falling for him hard. I am experiencing his not being available. I'm 40 years old, I was married for 15 years and divorced two years ago. The dating experience for me has been like water boarding. I finally meet a guy that I can get lost in and he isn't available. I am a teacher and I have two teenage children. He told me to Google the life of a railroad engineer. He told me that it was more than a notion being with him and the difficulties that could present. I really like to travel and was looking forward to being able to travel with my mate in the next phase of my life. Ladies, tell me is it worth it to sign onto something that may provide me with limited contact. I keep thinking I was married to a man for fifteen years and he came home every night and I was lonely as hell.

  11. Hello all,
    I recently started dating a guy that works for the railroad. I am really feeling him and vice versa. He is an awesome guy. I can see and feel myself falling for him hard. I am experiencing his not being available. I'm 40 years old, I was married for 15 years and divorced two years ago. The dating experience for me has been like water boarding. I finally meet a guy that I can get lost in and he isn't available. I am a teacher and I have two teenage children. He told me to Google the life of a railroad engineer. He told me that it was more than a notion being with him and the difficulties that could present. I really like to travel and was looking forward to being able to travel with my mate in the next phase of my life. Ladies, tell me is it worth it to sign onto something that may provide me with limited contact. I keep thinking I was married to a man for fifteen years and he came home every night and I was lonely as hell.

    1. I have to say, if you had someone always available to you and felt lonely, you could very well have someone not always available to you but still feel like the luckiest woman in the world. Its all about the give and take, and the butterflies in your tummy. I think any one in any situation has what it takes to make it as long as they have communication and it feels worth it. Does it feel like its worth a shot? If so, go for it! =D

  12. I would say run the other direction while you can. I have been a engineers wife for 5 years an I wonder everyday why I continue with this marriage...I feel like I am wasting my life away always waiting for him to come home just so he turns around an leaves again in 10 to 12 hours. This is not a life!

    1. I have thought hard about how I would reply to your comment. All I can say is, every relationship is different. Some can make it through a lifestyle such as this and some can't. Either way, things work out the way they are supposed to and sometimes certain situations show you that you aren't living the life you want. So in this case, I am so sorry that you feel the way you do and I wish the best for you and your relationship however things end up. I just wish you happiness. I have to say thank you, though, for giving us a glimpse of the other side of this lifestyle. I know that you are not alone and I am sure there are many women (or men) who feel the same way you do.

      But I can't say that I agree with the run the other direction advice because as I said before, some people may be willing to deal with it and some may not. No two relationships are the same and that does not apply to everyone. I would never warn someone away from loving someone who works for the railroad or any for profession. I can only hope that my posts help someone understand the lifestyle and get a glimpse of what it could be like for them. It takes work, that's for sure, but I will never say it isn't worth it. It is because my husband and I love each other so much that it makes it easier.

  13. Thanks to you all for sharing & the insights it provides to a concerned man soon interviewing for a freight conductor job. This blog will help me to better understand her sacrifices. I deeply respect how you can & do not only stay positive but grow stronger, together.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. :) I wish you the best of luck on your interview, please if you see this, let me know how it goes! =D

  14. I have no idea if you still look at this. But I am a 17 year old boy looking into becoming a train engineer. How often is your husband home? I would love to become one but I hate the thought of being gone for days at a time just to be back for 10 hours. I plan on having kids of course when I grow up and I want to be a part of their lives in other forms than just money. I really hope you can respond to this because I am seriously worried that when I do have kids it will be like i'm never there for them. So what I am asking is in a week. How much do you think your husband is home?And is this a job for someone who is very family oriented and wants to see their kids and wife a lot.

    1. When you first start out, you will be gone a lot. But the longer you work there the more seniority you gain. And with that seniority, a more predictable and steady schedule. I have no doubt that you will be a part of your future children's and wife's lives. It is great that you are concerned and you are thinking ahead. I will say that I don't feel like my husband misses any more than any normal working father would. He has a great relationship with our son and they get lots of quality time together. This lifestyle looks scary from the outside looking in, but it is truly a blessing and it allows me to stay home and raise our son and so many other things. We are a little over 4 years into his career with the train company and we are more in love now than we have ever been. We appreciate our time together, miss each other, have date nights, and if anything - this job has made us a closer, stronger couple. I know you mentioned becoming an engineer, but as far as I know, you have to be a conductor first. Knowing that job is vital to becoming an engineer. So if you don't see openings for engineers in your search, that is why. I hope this helped answer some of your questions and I wish you all the best! If you have any more questions, I always have this set to alert me anytime I get a comment. :)

  15. Great blog! What has your experience with furloughs been? I am scheduled to attend REDI in November but I am concerned about the frequency and length of furloughs. Thanks.

    1. When my husband first started, because he had to qualify on every job for the on-call board, he worked a ton. The following winter though, he got furloughed. Starting out you don't have a lot of seniority so it happens. Luckily, he could go to another region to train and worked out of that region until work in his region picked back up. Hopefully that is an option for you, but you also may not experience being furloughed in your area. Alternatively, drawing unemployment in those times is an option. Of course you don't make what the railroad pays but its something at least. He was furloughed the following winter as well but did the same thing and moved back to Pennsylvania (we live in Ohio). We had friends that lived in the area so he was able to stay with them there and it was only 2 1/2 hours away. He was able to come home often and I spent as many weekends as I could there. Since my husband has gained seniority, he hasn't been furloughed since that time.

      Good luck at REDI! It is challenging, but very informative. I think you will like it. Just study, study, study and you will be fine! :) I hope my answer helped a little. Let me know how everything goes!

  16. I want to say thank you so much for writing this blog. I came across it while looking for some sort of support for railroad wives. So much of what I found was very negative, "single wife" stuff. It had me completely terrified.
    My husband just got a job with NS and is just finishing his first week in Georgia. It seems like every day that he's gone is harder than the day before. I do not do well alone, and our 3 year old son is having a really hard time with daddy being gone. I've had such a hard time this week, it left me thinking that I can't handle this lifestyle. Every day I want to call him and just beg him to come home and find a different job.
    Your post has given me hope that we, too, can adjust. He has wanted a job with the railroad for some time, and I know it's a perfect fit for him. I am just scared that I will not be cut out for this. Do you have any advice for adjusting? I feel like once I get used to this, it will not be as hard. But getting to that point seems so scary and far away to me.
    Thank you again for writing this. It gave me hope on a day when I really, REALLY needed it. <3

    1. I completely understand how you feel, I felt the same way! I could find no support and knew no one in my area living the same lifestyle. Thats why i decided to write about our life. :)

      Congrats on your husband's new job! It does start out so hard, I remember hating when he got called to work and especially when it was out of town. I was never one to be alone and I hated having to do anything by myself. We didn't have any children when he started at the railroad. I know now that we have our son, he definitely notices when daddy's gone and that is hard but he's so young he doesn't stay sad for long. I had those feelings of not being able to handle the lifestyle, but I can tell you with confidence that you CAN do it. :) As much as you miss him, he misses you too. I know you know that. Just take it a day at a time. One thing that really helps me is focusing on my excitement to see him. When hes been gone a little while and I know he's on his way home, I get butterflies in my stomach and I get so excited. I love getting texts from him telling me how excited he is to come home to me. Its like when we first met and there was all that newness and excitement, we get to have that all of the time. I feel like it makes us communicate more and appreciate each other more. He comes home and our sons gets his undivided attention and he eats it up. This lifestyle can be such a blessing and a wonderful thing if you want it to be. When you find yourself feeling negative, find a positive in it and focus on that. That is what I do and it helped so much when I was feeling overwhelmed.

      I'm so glad my post gave you hope! Your hope gives me hope. :) I look forward to hearing from you again, let me know how things are going! =D

  17. Hey I just got hired on as a conductor for bnsf. Does your husband use his lay off days a lot and does that help?

  18. Hey I just got hired on as a conductor to bnsf. Does his lay off days make things easier? Hadnt heard anybody talk about managing those?

    1. I'm not sure what you mean by lay off days? He does get a day off a week, but it can be affected if he gets called to work the night before, then his day off starts when he gets home. Some jobs have 2 days off a week or every other week. The job he is on right now is off on monday-tuesday every other week. He has the option to turn off his day off which is a whole other explanation haha

  19. Thanks so much for the positive words about the industry. My hubby just started his conductor job, we have a two and a half year old and one on the way so all the negative talk on other sites I'd been to were making me feel nervous and alone. Your supportive words helped me a lot since he just got a call and of course will be gone for thanksgiving. Thanks again!

    1. I feel ya. I was always finding negative so thats why I decided to write about it here on my little space of the internet haha Even support groups im in on facebook, all the women do is complain and thats no fun to read all of the time.

  20. my hubby is an engineer so I know how hard it is :(

  21. Your blog is so interesting and positive! I'm not an engineer's wife or girlfriend but I just started a job a few months ago and make the 2 hour commute by train m-f. I have a silly question though...the engineers and conductors on the passenger train I ride are all so nice and friendly and courteous and you get to know the familiar faces...are they allowed to ask a girl they like out if she's a passenger on their train? Or do they have rules against that sort of thing? Silly but I'm curious hehe =)

    1. Honestly, I don''t know but I don't see why they couldn't That's so romantic!

  22. My husband leaves this weekend for NS conductor training in Georgia, I was a little nervous after all the negative stuff I had read so I'm happy I found this..he will be working out of Portsmouth after he gets back so just wanted to see if anyone has any advice on what to expect during the 6 month training period? I have heard that benefits are great after training but what do you do during training for health benefits for your kids? Just a little nervous😳

    1. When my husband was training, we had a certain type of insurance and it was for the first year. And then he was switched to the insurance we have now. From what I can remember, it would have covered a child too had we had one at the time. Hopefully it works that way for you too!

  23. I'm in love with a man that works for NS. This has been so hard because he never explained this lifestyle to me. If he had I think I would have been a little more patient. The only thing he would say is I will call and almost always never calls and sometimes he text. What am I suppose to do when I am being patient and just waiting for a call or text that seldom comes. He says that he loves me but he really doesn't show it. What should I do? I love this man so much and I'm willing do to what it takes to make this work but I don't know if he is really trying. Help!

    1. I feel the exact same way...

    2. I feel the exact same way...
      Are you two still together?

    3. My advice in this situation would be to sit him down and ask him point blank the things that you are wondering. In my experience, what we think is going on isn't as bad as we think it is. Guys are simple people haha But this has me wondering if maybe he has been in a relationship before that ended badly because of his work and that is why he is acting this way. Hope this helps. Please let me know :)

  24. Hi I want to thank you for writing this blog! My bf is in the process of getting a job with NS he just finished all his interviewing and we are waiting to here about Georgia! I am scared beyond belief about him getting the job that it is going to tear us apart. We finally in a great spot in a relationship that started off pretty rocky and I couldn't be happier with the way it has become and evolved I love him so much and I would do anything not to loose him and now he's gonna be shipped away! I'm trying so hard to be happy for him but every time he talks about it it's all I can do to hold back the tears. I'm happy for him that he finnaly is getting a job making great amount of money and that this could also change our life for the better as in our future! We talked about moving in together once the money comes in! I'm happy that his life will be set with this job but I am so scared that I am not going to be able to handle it! I support him and trust him in what ever he does or chooses but I just can't stop being upset and worried out what this job is going to do to our relationship! He's super excited about the job and it's all I can do not to break down and cry about it! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

  25. Hi I want to thank you for writing this blog! My bf is in the process of getting a job with NS he just finished all his interviewing and we are waiting to here about Georgia! I am scared beyond belief about him getting the job that it is going to tear us apart. We finally in a great spot in a relationship that started off pretty rocky and I couldn't be happier with the way it has become and evolved I love him so much and I would do anything not to loose him and now he's gonna be shipped away! I'm trying so hard to be happy for him but every time he talks about it it's all I can do to hold back the tears. I'm happy for him that he finnaly is getting a job making great amount of money and that this could also change our life for the better as in our future! We talked about moving in together once the money comes in! I'm happy that his life will be set with this job but I am so scared that I am not going to be able to handle it! I support him and trust him in what ever he does or chooses but I just can't stop being upset and worried out what this job is going to do to our relationship! He's super excited about the job and it's all I can do not to break down and cry about it! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

  26. Hi I want to thank you for writing this blog! My bf is in the process of getting a job with NS he just finished all his interviewing and we are waiting to here about Georgia! I am scared beyond belief about him getting the job that it is going to tear us apart. We finally in a great spot in a relationship that started off pretty rocky and I couldn't be happier with the way it has become and evolved I love him so much and I would do anything not to loose him and now he's gonna be shipped away! I'm trying so hard to be happy for him but every time he talks about it it's all I can do to hold back the tears. I'm happy for him that he finnaly is getting a job making great amount of money and that this could also change our life for the better as in our future! We talked about moving in together once the money comes in! I'm happy that his life will be set with this job but I am so scared that I am not going to be able to handle it! I support him and trust him in what ever he does or chooses but I just can't stop being upset and worried out what this job is going to do to our relationship! He's super excited about the job and it's all I can do not to break down and cry about it! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    1. All you can do is take it day by day and continue supporting him and trying to find the positive. I think you are on the right track and you don't have anything to worry about because you realize what it is you have to lose. By knowing that, you will take the necessary steps to avoid it. Just remember that change is scary for everyone, I hate change! But such is life, and all you can do is take it one day at a time and before you know it you will be a pro at this railroad life and you'll be glad you stuck with it! I'm always here to talk, email me! I get those alerts straight to my phone! :)

  27. More support like this are neefed. My husband is conductor training for engineer. It's hard but worth it. We have 3 kids and I homeschool them. I can't imagine how seldom we would see each other if I worked or they went to school. His days off are usually on weekdays. I have lonely and overwhelming times. But I'm provided well for.

    1. Support is so important. And I know the lonely feelings, but now that we have our son that helps and he all but makes up for it when he is home. Thank you for sharing!

  28. My boyfriend of a year joined the railroad 4 months into our relationship and it was very hard. Most of our fights are me upset that I can't see him but I've learned how to base it around him. I'm it community college and live at home with my parents and he still lives at home too so seeing him is about once a week. But I love him to bits. We constantly text, snapchat, really any means to keep in touch. Being a railroad wife or even a girlfriend is hard for sure but when you know it's the one you want to be with, it's all worth it. Funny enough my boyfriend is named Ryan!

    1. Thats awesome! I am so glad to see that you guys are making it work and that you are being positive. It really does make all the difference. And you are right, it is all worth it! :)

  29. Hi Lindsay, I just found your blog after searching for "positive railroad wives blog." I had to specify positive, because my first search came back with a lot of doom and gloom. My husband just started with the RR this spring. I got to say I have been in "denial" with schedules etc...between he and I, we have 35 years of military service experience sooo...nothing can come close to what he and I have already experienced. So, I am reading these miserable comments on another site and I said, "No, that haven't experienced what tough is." LOL! See I am in denial, however, my husband isn't being shot at and is in somewhat of a close distance even if it is just bouncing from one state to the next. I really just wanted to find some insight of what to expect and support from another positive RR wife and mother. I hope to continue to read great posts and hear what to expect next being in a railroad family. God Bless You.

    1. First I just want to thank you and your family for your husbands service and sacrifice. And second, thank you for your comment! Its awesome meeting wives that have experience with other types of careers that require time a part that can share a different perspective and tips on ways to get through it. :)

  30. Thank you for writing this post. I really needed to read a woman's positive perspective on the life of a conductor's wife so I can get a better idea of what to expect should things progress to that stage, of course.

    I recently met a guy who is a railroad conductor and I fell for him instantly. The connection between us was unreal. Energy was off the charts. I immediately thought of a movie to give me an idea of what he does, but needless to say I really had no idea what he did nor how demanding his schedule was. We're in the early stages of the relationship and it took me weeks to separate his actions from his intentions, so to speak. It was so easy to assume he wasn't interested because of his lack of response to my texts (especially when I compared it to my past experiences with men) and it was easy to become offended when my texts were replied to over 24 hours later, or if at all. But after calm conversations (via text or in person when our schedules align) I've come to appreciate the effort he is able to put in and to not take the downtime personal. That alone was mentally freeing enough because once resentment sets in, things tend to go downhill fast. It certainly has been an adjustment from the get go for me, and I think I have the "grit" to see where this relationship goes.

    This situation certainly isn't easy, but I can sense that it can be incredibly rewarding as long as my emotions and thoughts are secure.

    I'm rambling, but thanks again for posting this for us. :)

    1. I loved reading your comment and I applaud your attitude and outlook! Thank you for sharing and I wish you the best with your relationship. You both are blessed to have found each other, I can already tell :)

  31. My husband works for the railroad as well. I would NEVER have done this when our kids were at home. I personally don't think there's enough money in the world to make up for time together. LIFE IS SHORT. I would think long and hard before getting involved with the railroad again.

    1. I completely understand where you're coming from. Everyone's situation is different and so is every railroaders schedule. I haven't felt like its been too much time apart but I can't say that that wont happen. We will deal with that when the time comes. :)

  32. Yard jobs are the best when you're a railroadera wife and marking off is my favorite phrase!! I was married 11 years to a man that was home every night and I was lonely every day. I've been married to my railroader for almost 2 years and he just got forced to leave a yard job for a road job. I teach and I've been off all summer so it hasn't been so bad. Because I'm always home when he is home. I can sleep Til noon with him when I wait up on him to go home. My hubs works for Norfolk southern. He has been with them 13 years. It's a hard life but like the bloggist said if you're marriage is strong and your love is strong you make it work and cherish and never take for granted when he is home.

    1. So so true! I am so glad to read your comment and that you too have found the positives! :)

  33. I'm glad I found your blog and so many others in my situation through the comments. The problem is that my boyfriend and I are at our wit's end with what to do about his schedule. There are a lot of communication issues as well as jealousy on his part. I really need a listening ear right now.

  34. Thats so awesome to hear! :) Thank you for reading and for commenting! <3

  35. My husband may leave Oct. 16 for Georgia. We have 3 small children and I teach school. We don't see each other now Monday through Friday because we work opposite shifts to avoid Daycare. However, I see him all day Saturday and Sunday. I'm worried about not seeing him enough. Do you think it'll be much worse if I already don't see him 5 days a week now? I guess the difference is he's always around the holidays and birthdays because I know he has the weekends off so we plan everything for the weekend. He was hired for freight conductor but is waiting on a final date to go to REDI.

    I don't like to be alone. I talk to him every night Monday through Friday on his lunch break at the job he has now. The job he has now just doesn't pay a lot and he wants to make more money but I know money isn't everything so I'm trying to see if I really think it's worth it. The problem is I want him here with me. He keeps telling me if I don't want him to go to just tell him but he seemed so excited about it and like he wants to give it a try. I told him I'm willing to give it a try and I heard the first year the schedule is extremely hard.

    1. It will be different from what you're used to, but I don't think it will be bad. You're already used to him being gone when you're home. My husband is gone quite a bit but I feel like I get a lot of time with him too. And we get to talk all of the time while hes gone. So I really think once you get a hang of things, you will all be okay with it. Thinking back on our first year, I wouldn't describe it at extremely hard. I just remember being so proud of my husband and how much he loved what he was doing. I wish the best for your family. Let me know what you all decide to do. Email me anytime! :)

  36. My husband literally just walked out the door to be gone for another 2 to 3 days which then he will be home for ten hours where I'm usually working and then gone again. I just googled csx wives cause i needed some consolation that i am not alone. Usually I'm OK as the whole time we were dating he worked as a conductor now engineer for csx. But recently it has been a bit harder probably due to the fact that I am 7 months pregnant with our first baby and the hormones are raging!!!! I've been with hime for almost 6 years and we are in our late 20s and even though it is hard I wouldn't change a thing! His job provides us a steady income and we never get sick of each other :) IT IS HARD but it's worth it!

    1. Congratulations on your first baby! How exciting! :) I imagine you are feeling all kinds of different emotions because I remember how I was when I was expecting. Make sure he applies for FMLA, that will get him a week off with you once the baby comes which is unpaid I believe but you mat check because I could be wrong. But you are right - though it may be hard at times, it is worth it. :)

  37. My husband has been woth norfolk southern for 2 years now as a caman and they furloughed in portsmouth OH. 3 guys from up there are coming to the louisville shop to work and its furloughing my husband and e other guys. Its been really emotional these past few weeks bc these guys are so wishy washy about whether or not theyre going to stay and as soon as they leave my husband and the two other guys get to come back. How have you all gotten through furloughs or have you ever experienced this type of furlough with your LO? Im trying to be hopeful. I know he will get called back but just not knowing when is scary.

  38. Ok im not sure if my comment got erased but anyway my husband has been with norfolk southern for over 2 years now and they just laid off at portsmouth OH well 3 guys from OH are coming to work at the lousiville shop and is going to cause 3 guys one of them is my husband. To be furloughed. Its been an emotional couple weeks bc these guys are so wishy washy on if theyre going to stay or not. If they stay no one knows how long and as soon as they leave my husband and the two other guys get to come back. I know furloughs are part of paying your dues to the railroad. Has anyone ever been affected by this and i sure could use some hope to se a light at the end of the tunnel.

    1. Sorry about that, your comments werent deleted. I have it set for me to approve comments before they are published because I was getting lots of spam comments. I'm so sorry your family is dealing with furlough. It is never a good thing and its always worrisome. My husband did get furloughed but he went to another state and got qualified to work their rails. So while he was technically furloughed where we lived, he was still working in another area until there was a spot for him to hold back home. We were lucky in that we had friends he could stay with and we didn't have to pay for two places to live and it was only a 2 1/2 hour drive so we could still see each other pretty often if it worked out. I hope things pick back up for your husband and that those guys decide what they're doing! That's the only thing I dont care for about how seniority works.

    2. I happened to run across this looking at things. I just started talking to someone who is doing this and its helped me so the first thought of hes not replying back because he may be with someone else but its really hes working.he did warn me he works a lot but this has been amazing on whats expected and i have so much more appreciation for him.

  39. Hello I just recently came in contact with a guy I had a crush on over 30years ago and we've connected and he's a conductor, but I don't get to see him much and we I do he falls asleep on me and if he's out of town and we're on the phone he's snoring in my ear. I really like him and care soo much about him. I'm lonely for him and I want to get to know and spend time with him I've waited 30 years for this! Help help...

  40. Just starting to talk to/get to know a NS Conductor who is going to be training to become an engineer soon. He told me about his schedule and it seems crazy! I want to try and date him, but not sure how this will all work. He assured me his schedule will become better when he is an engineer. And I guess he just got elected to something with the union? Anyways, any advice to just starting dating a conductor? I realize this will be difficult. We text and talk on the phone. Maybe Skyping will help? Thank you in advance. I really want to try and date him. He is a sweetheart and I totally trust him.
