Thursday, March 28, 2013

Guess Who's Showing!

I'm starting to actually look pregnant!
I am now 11 weeks, 3 days.
Next week I have an ultrasound and I can't wait to see our little baby.
The app on my phone says the baby is the size of a lime this week.
I'll be 12 weeks for my ultrasound and I know it will be too early to tell,
but I'm crossing my fingers super tight that they can tell if its a boy or girl!
Hey moms - how early did you find out what your were having??
When did you start feeling your little ones movements?
All My Love,

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Procrastination at it's Finest

Lately I have been a procrastinating lazy person.
Like the take naps once a day and put off housework and homework kind.
Being pregnant is exhausting.
Being pregnant, working full time and going to school is exhausting.

So lately I've needed motivation.
And I always go to Pinterest for motivation. Who doesn't?
I found a lot of ways to organize quickly and on the go,
that way things don't pile up on me so quickly.
I'll post about those soon,
but right now I need to go take a nap.
All My Love,
Lyndsay :)