Friday, January 11, 2013

Making Storage Fun

Not including the cost of the tote (which I don't remember, I bought it a while ago) I only had $3 in this little makeover. I use these totes to keep all of my nail polish and manicure stuff in. They snap together on top of one another and the lid has a handle so that I can carry it with me places.

I bought the sticky paper at TJ Maxx. They had all kinds of patterns but that one is my favorite! This little project was so simple. On the back there are grids so that you know you're cutting a straight line. All I did was trace around the tote, cut it out, peel the backing and stick it.

I bought two rolls of it and I have PLENTY left over to do all kinds of neat stuff as soon as I come up with some more ideas. I saw on Pinterest where you can line the shelves in your fridge with patterned sticky paper. Maybe that will be next!? Ah, the possibilities. :)

All My Love,


  1. What a good idea! I've been eyeing some of that same tape/paper/whatever at TJ Maxx but didn't know what to do with I do! :) Thanks.

    -Brittany of @suburbchicblog

  2. This is such a great idea, I will have to try it! I found your blog through the Cymecindy giveaway and I am so glad I did, I love it and I am now following you!

    Sparkles and Shoes
