Saturday, April 28, 2012

Girls night; Bingo!

What a fun evening I had this evening! Myself, my mom and my sister went to Longaberger Basket Bingo. The bank I work at is partners in education with a local middle school and they were doing a fundraiser for their football team. I have only gone to Bingo once and I never won a game out of twenty boards. Actually, I never win anything. I am the single most unlucky person you will ever meet. I always give money for this and that charity for a chance to win this or that prize and I have come to the point where I don't even get excited at the possibility of winning a prize. Thats how often it never happens. I can laugh at it, shrug my shoulders and just feel good about the fact I donated to a good cause.

My sister & I <3

But tonight was our lucky night. My mom bingo'd and won a basket the fifth game. My sister won a doorprize. Then I Bingo'd on the twelfth game, but so did someone else. When that happened they would give you a number and draw. Whoevers number was drawn is who got the basket that round. I lost. Then the next game started and you will never guess what happened. I bingo'd in like six or seven number calls! I couldnt believe it, I had just been thinking I would never bingo another game let alone the very next game! And I was the only one who bingo'd that round, so I got a basket! And if you thought that was the end of our lucky streak you are wrong because my mom won the very next game after me!

I won the lucky number thirteen basket!

So yes, we had a very fun evening. Even if we hadn't won and just been our usual unlucky selves we would have had fun. Its not very often us girls get to go out together so it was just nice getting to laugh and spend time together. And it was for a good cause! With my husband out on the railroad almost every weekend, its nice to get out do things. :)

What did you all do this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'm a new follower, discovered your blog thru Jan! :)

    Visit mine if you have time! :)

