Friday, April 6, 2012

High Five for Friday

Link up, here.

1. This week went by so fast. I couldn't keep up with what day it was all week. I think mostly because I've been so busy. I've had something to do after work almost every day this week. I like busy weeks, but with the nice weather we've been having I wish I would take more time to just sit back and enjoy the world around me.

2. I had orientation earlier this week for volunteering. I'll be volunteering on Wednesdays at one of the local hospitals in town. They require you to get a TB test. I know this doesn't make sense, but while I can stand to get a tattoo I cannot, however, get a shot without whimpering like a child. Even though I know the pain only lasts for a second, I get myself worked up each time. My mother in law, who is a nurse, gave me the TB test.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but I'm still not looking forward to the second round.

3. Had a date night with Ryan, my husband. We went and picked up some food and took it down by the river to eat and then did a little shopping at TJ Maxx. We both walked out of there with some clothes and I got another jewelry organizer in a smaller size. (Did you read this post?)

4. I had lunch with an old and good friend and we went shopping at Kohl's and found some cute tops and a few other random things. We actually went to school together and were really good friends when we were young and now we work together which is awesome. (Hi Kylie!)

5. My husband comes and has lunch with me during my work week whenever he can. I work downtown in walking distance to most everything. We usually go across the street to the Crystal Cafe where I'm on a first name basis with the owners and all of their children/employees. They even know as soon as I walk in what I want to drink and what my 'usual' is. I'm a creature of habit. Anyways, we decided to try something new today. Up a few blocks is a Latin cafe called Mango. I ordered something I cant even pronounce and was glad it wasn't gross. Even though it was good, its not a place I'll be going back to anytime soon. I'll stick with my good friends at the Crystal Cafe.

How was your week? What was your favorite thing about it? Let me know! :)

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