Monday, October 29, 2012

Just Say No!

I need to remember this more.
I get so wrapped up in everything I need to do and places I need to be.
Between work, work events, volunteering and now college - I am busy!
Somewhere in there I have to make time for my husband (when he's home)
and my family and friends.
I was looking at my schedule today and I have so many things coming up.
I always stress myself out about it all.
But today it dawned on me that stressing myself out about things isn't making my life any less busy.
I have a hard time saying no to things.
I try to fit everything in that I possibly can.
My mom would say that's my father in me.
I need to slow down and prioritize.
I want to spend more time at home, snuggling with my husband.
Rearranging my furniture.
Spending quality time with my sweat pants.
Doing the crafts and organizing the things that I have been putting off.
I need to learn how to say no and not feel bad about it!
 What I'm going to start with is sticking with the commitments I've already made and then TRY to pick and choose the things that work around what I already have to do (like work, school, and volunteering at the hospital),
things that wont take up every free part of my schedule.
I am going to try to say no.
Any tips would be much appreciated! Do you ever struggle with trying to be super woman and doing it all?

All My Love,


  1. I feel your pain. I feel like I've been running in circles since work kicked up in August. Make sure you take a mental health day if you need it and take care of yourself!

  2. I'm glad I'm not alone, its tough sometimes!

  3. Hi! I found you through "Tell Me About it Tuesdays." I, too, have crafts I've started and haven't finished. I also have crafts I've finished that I still have to blog about! Feel free to stop by my blog:

    1. Isn't it hard to fit it all in? My mom and I want to start doing more crafts so I need to make time for that :) I'm headed to your blog now, glad you found me!

  4. Good morning Lindsay! I found your blog at the GFC Blog Hop, I like it a lot so I'm now following you ^^
    Hope you get a chance to visit mine as well.
    Wow, those words are so true, I need to remind myself sometimes too, thanks for sharing this xx
    n o i r e d a m e

    1. I'm so glad you like, I'm definitely going to check yours out too. Thank you! :)

  5. Hey Lyndsay, thanks for joining the link up! Great post and reminder for everyone.

  6. I feel like every woman wants to try and do it all! We for some reason take that weight upon ourselves...silly us, we can't do it all! Let go and Let God :)

  7. love the quote. its so true. family and friendship should always be the priority.

  8. great message!

    Hello, I hopped over from the blog-hop at "Newlywed Moments."

    I am following your blog.

    :) Hope

  9. I pretty much always try to do it all! And sometimes I think it works...until I start getting sick and am forced to take a little break from it all (i.e. today)! Maybe it would be wiser to recognize my limits before I get sick... :)

  10. YES i struggle all the time. i recently broke my ankle and it put me wayyy back. but sometimes thats a good thing

    1. Oh gosh! I hope it's healing well! I injured my ankle a long time ago and it has never been the same.

  11. I understand. I'm a total ppl pleaser,but shy, so sometimes I need to say yes for opportunities and no to everyone wanting something from me. Found and following you via the hop!!

  12. I can totally relate. My new motto is to "be present". I'm always so distracted. Thanks so much for linking up and following from the GFC Collection! Hope you acquired some new followers :) Bre @ Peacoats and Plaid

    1. Thank you, I did :) I love your motto! Good reminder

  13. What a good thing to learn, earlier in my life I remember being the same but once hubby and bubby came along I had to put them first and that meant being at home rather than out and about.

    1. Yeah, I figure when/if my husband and I have children I will really slow down then, because that will be the most important thing :)

  14. P.S I love that sign, do you have it in your home and if you do where did you get it from?

  15. I found it on Pinterest! :) I linked it underneath if you want to check out who pinned it, maybe they say!
