Monday, October 1, 2012

Before They Were Parents

That's a picture from the newspaper of my dad back in his high school days. Do you ever stop and think how cool it would be to have known your parents back when they were young? I always wonder what my parents were like when they were care free with no kids, no mortgage and no careers getting in the way of their fun. My parents are a ton of fun to hang out with now and we have a great relationship... I just think it would be cool to go back in time and meet the young them. I love to look at their year books and see the things their friends wrote and I love looking at old pictures and notes. I'm proud to be the daughter of some pretty awesome parents and I can only hope that when I have kids that they think I'm just as awesome.

All My Love,


  1. I've thought of this before but my dad was in a frat and my mom was in a sorority when they were younger and it was the 70s. So yeah, go figure ;) I'd love to be friends with my mom's dad though. I think we'd be really good friends and we'd laugh at the same things :)


    1. I would have like to know my great grandfather who stowed away on a ship from Italy. It would have been cool to meet him. :)

  2. That would be so neat to see our parents at our age and actually interact with them. I am following you back! :) Love your blog!

  3. I absolutely think about this, it would be so neat to know parents not as just parents. This is such a cool photo of your dad, I love looking back at old photos! Thank you so much for your comment, I am following back :)

