Saturday, December 1, 2012

Instagram Weekly

If you know me, then you know I post on Instagram all of the time.
I love it.
There's just something about snapping little pictures of my daily boring-ness that I just can't resist.
And people must be just as bored as I am, because they like what I post!
Which is great, because it results in me doing it more.
It's a vicious circle, my friends.
My husband hasn't even looked at an Instagram, but when I pull out my phone and snap a pic he asks sarcastically,
"You're Instagram-ing that, really??"
At least we have graduated from the sarcastic,
"You're Facebooking that, really?"
With that said, on to my top faves this week:
1. My wonderful Aunt Jenny saw that step stool out and picked it up to give it to my husband because he is a train conductor and she's always loved trains. Wasn't that sweet?
2. We put up our Christmas tree! Usually I have this done the day after Thanksgiving every year, but I was slacking this year.
3. One of my favorite customers went on a trip with his church to China and he brought me back some green tea and that cool little tin.
4. I reached 200 followers! I was almost in tears I was so excited. You all are the best!!
5. I've been seeing this nail style on several different sites, all unique to those who painted them. So I tried my own version, I wasn't sure at first but I think I like it.
6. The hubs and I went to a little restaurant that's about 25 minutes from where we live and they have the best food and desserts. I added the caramel and it was the perfect combo.
Hope you all had a good week! :)
All My Love,


  1. Following from the blog hop. I can't wait to check out your posts. I love snapping Instagram photos too!! If you get time I would love it if you would stop by

  2. Love the nails!
    Found you through the hop and am your newest follower! ;-)
