Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lets play catch-up...

Ryan's sister got married on August 7th, it was a nice wedding. About a month later Ry & I took our vacation down in Beaufort SC to visit Jennifer and her new husband, Jacob. Its definitely one of the prettiest places we've been, and I wouldn't mind living there someday. We celebrated our one year wedding anniversary while down there, went to the beach, and historic Charleston SC. We really had alot of fun.

My sister got her license. I almost cried when she messaged me and told me she passed her driving test. As the older sister, I worry about her so much anyway, this just adds to it. She's still getting the hang of driving, I just pray that shes safe. And its not her so much that I worry about, its other drivers. People just don't pay attentions, and theres so many crazies out there that anything could happen. I'd much rather her stay a little girl forever.

I turn 23 tomorrow. No matter what I do, I just keep getting older. Its kind of a pain. But I've always enjoyed my birthdays, and I look forward to them but if I keep getting older like this I'm going to have to start lying about my age, ha ha!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy Wife, Happy Life.

Ry & I's one year wedding anniversary is coming up so quick. I can't believe it's going on a year, it feels just like yesterday that I walked down the aisle. But time flies when your having fun. =] I think we're going to plan a short getaway, just to somewhere close & do something we havent done together. So we're thinking an amusement park or something. We're usually too busy to do anything like that, & the last vacation we took together was our honeymoon. We rented a cabin & went hiking & canooing. So we both are taking days off around our anniversary, it'll be nice to get away.

We've got so many things coming up that we're excited about..
- My sister turning 16 in July!
- Ry turning 23 in July.
- Ry's oldest sister getting married in August.
- 2 of my cousins having babies!
- Our 1 year in September.
- My 23rd birthday in October.
... & lots in between, but those are the big ones. =]

Mom & dad celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary June 13th! These days thats rare to come by. Mom & dad definately have something special, I've never seen a love like theirs. And then in church today there was a couple celebrating their 58th!! Definately something to strive for. I think its so romantic. ♥

I've also been thinking about making a little change & applying for a better position at work, so if it works out & God opens that door for me, I'll keep ya updated. =]

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Something I came across...

"It's easier for you to judge,
than it is for you to understand.
It's easier for you to bewilder at my mysteries,
than it is for you to probe
deeply into the depths of my soul.
And it's easier for me to walk alone,
than it is to risk rejection.
If only you'd really look at me and see who I am.
But it's the easy roads that are most often taken."

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A lesson of love..

With all of the divorces, infidelity, and just plain bad hype surrounding love and relationships lately, its really had me thinking about what it takes to make a relationship work. I have a wonderful marriage, not only is he the man of my dreams, he is my best friend. Ryan and I both grew up in a two parent household. My parents love for each other was one of the biggest influences in my life. When Ryan and I found each other, we knew it was that once in a lifetime kind of love, just like our parents have. I don’t consider myself an expert by any means, but I thought I would share with you what I think makes a relationship work, and its things that not only Ryan and I go by, but advice I have given to friends in time of need or troubles.

Be romantic. Whenever a relationship starts to fail, the lack of romance is one of the first indicators. Its natural for people to get complacent and forget the fun things they used to do when they first got together. Ryan and I celebrate not only our wedding anniversary, but the anniversary of the day we started dating, and the day we got engaged. They were important events in our life together, and remembering them gives us those butterflies we used to get. We go out and do something we don't normally do, it's new and exciting. We also set a night aside every week (if our work schedules will allow it) and go on a date night. It's not always something fancy, sometimes its just going for a walk somewhere, or going to place we haven’t been for a while.

Always be honest. There is not one single relationship that will succeed in the long run if built on a lie. Even if your partner never finds out the truth, the fact you know you lied will affect you feelings for them and yourself. Now, fibs are acceptable only if its to cover a surprise, like a diamond ring or other sort of gift you don’t want them to know about until the perfect time. =]

Don’t do things just to make your partner happy. Every time you compromise yourself in that way, you could start to resent them. Sit down and explain to them that you don’t feel good about certain things and work on an alternative, or a happy medium as Ry and I say, together. This could also fall under the being honest part. Don’t be a hypocrite either and ask your partner to do things you know they don’t want to do. As my dad would say, it's a two way street.

Don’t belittle you partner. Everyone makes mistakes in life and everyone works or catches on at different speeds. If you spend your time nagging at your partner or putting them down about every little thing they do wrong, then how can you expect them to do anything right? I see a lot of this where I work, people placing financial blames on their spouse, in front of us and then making comments about them. Just makes me mad! If it were the other way around, and you were the one making a mistake, you would want a little understanding, right?

Always be there for your partner. After God, nothing is more important in your life than your partner. Friends come and go, but your partner is with you for the whole journey. If they are in trouble or need you, nothing else matters, other than to be there for them. I am very set in my ways and I do things a certain way, and I feel strongly about of lot of things, and though Ryan may not understand or agree, he backs me up 100%. And to know that I have his support, I can't fail.

Communicate. Things change in a relationship almost on a daily basis. Chances are you don't work at the same place as your spouse, so you are not together for 10-12 hours a day, talking to different people, experiencing different things. If you don’t talk to your partner you could very easily wake up one day ad find you have drifted apart and cant bridge the gap. I like to sit down every evening and ask "How was your day?" and I listen, even though in Ryan’s line of work I don’t know what he’s talking about half the time, I listen. If he's had a bad day, the fact that he can come home, tell me about it and get it off his chest, makes him feel better, and we don’t have that negative energy getting in the way of our "us" time.

And last but not least, have fun with each other! Ryan and I are the biggest dorks. We joke, wrestle, chase each other, and pick on each other. If you were to hide out side our house and peak in and listen to us you'd think we were crazy. But we get each other, we have fun, and its never boring. I love my husband, he's my best friend. He was my friend before he was ever my boyfriend, fiancĂ©, or husband... and I think that makes for the best kind of relationship. ♥

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Becoming a part of something...

I believe in God. I have always been religous in my own way, even though I didn't attend church regularly. My parents are religous, and brought me up to know God & love him, and I thank them for that. I know that there is a reason for everything, and I would not have the amazing life I have if not for him. Ryans parents are religous as well, aside from being a doctor, Ry's dad is a part-time preacher (he gets asked to preach at different places, and fills in for local preachers), and he and his mom brought their children up with good morals and beliefs.

Being a young married couple, we always felt it was important to keep god first in our relationship, if not for him we would have never been brought together. So, we started our search for a church to attend. We went to his parents church, and tried a few other as well. When my parents found a church they really liked, they told us about it and invited us to visit. We went, and really enjoyed the preacher and his message. We went again, and liked it even more. We felt like we belonged, so we continued going.

Today we joined as members of that church, Friendship Ridge. I feel like, as a married couple, we made a huge step. One of many huge steps I'm sure we'll take together in life. But I feel this is the most important one.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lets begin..

I never kept a diary when I was young. The times I tried, I would write in it for one or two days in a row, and then forget about it. It's funny how you forget things, things that seemed so important at the time. It seems like lately I've been thinking about the past alot, but its getting fuzzier with time. In 10 years when I think back I want to remember every detail of my life with Ryan, my husband. I'm hoping that now that I'm starting this, I will remember to write in it.

Today, my sister went to her first prom. Shes a freshman, but her boyfriend is a senior so they went to the prom at his school. She wore one of the dresses I wore when I was in school, that tugged at my heart strings a little. Shes getting so grown up, and that was never supposed to happen! I can remember the night I spent in that dress. My date was a senior, I was a sophomore. We had lived next to him and his family for years and I went as a favor to his parents, because he had never had a girlfriend and didn't have a date. They wanted him to expirience his senior prom, so I went. I talked my best friend into going with one of his, it ended up being a very fun night.

So as I was doing my sisters makeup, I couldn't help but feel a little proud that she looked up to me enough to want to wear one of my dresses, when most girls would want a brand new one of their own. Shes turning into quite the young lady, and its making me feel so old!!