My best friend is newly engaged and she was wanting a place to keep her ring when she has to take it off. I have always wanted to make one of these since I saw them on Pinterest. She mentioned doing it one day we were out shopping so we picked out some frames and made plans to do it. She came over a few days later with everything we needed.
Here's what you need and how to do it;
A picture frame
Scrapbook paper
Sticker jewels
Sticker letters
A pin, or a hook
Thread or string
1. Take the glass out of the frame
2. Cut the scrapbook paper to fit
3. Wrap the pin with the string (so your ring doesn't get scratched)
4. Push it through the paper and cardboard backing in the picture frame
5. Bend the end of the pin flat and tape it in place
6. Stick the jewels and letters anywhere you'd like.
7. Bend the pin into a hook shape (if you didn't use a hook) so your ring wont slide off
Please share in the comments below if you have made one of these or do make one. I'd love to see yours!