Thursday, May 15, 2014

Our First Home!

For years, my husband and I have been working towards being able to buy a house. It always seemed as if something was in the way and like it would never happen. I realized that I was being impatient and trying to do it on my own to make it happen. So I prayed one day and gave all my worry and frustration to the Lord. I knew that when I gave it to him and let it go, that things would happen exactly the way they He planned them.
We closed on our house today and we move in at the end of the month. Luckily, the house is move-in ready and we really don't have to do a thing to it if we don't want to. But if you know me, you know that I love to DIY and I have been dreaming of the day that we would have a house to make a home. So be prepared for lots of home posts to come. :) 

Friday, May 2, 2014

DIY Home Finances Organizer

I have had many ways of organizing our finances over the years, from a filing cabinet to different colored folders. If you know me, you know I never keep anything the same for very long. I like to change things up and tweak things to make the better and more user-friendly. I had in my mind that I wanted to try a binder system next and while at Target one day, I found some monthly calendars on clearance and a bunch of scrapbook paper. That's when what I had in my mind started taking form. This was rather easy to do, I already had a large binder so I picked some scrapbook paper out and mixed and matched until I was happy and I cut it to fit the front sleeve. I already had the stickers from a previous project (here and here) and that finished the front.

For the inside, I used the left over paper and covered over the tabs of dividers I already had. Then I labeled them with how I wanted everything to be sorted and voila! I use the monthly calendar as an overview of whats due each month and I place a check mark next to the biller once it is paid. On the actual bill, I write when it was paid, how I paid it (whether it was through our online bill pay, through the biller's website, or by phone), the confirmation number, and any other information I may need to look back at. I really like this system, there is the small hastle of hole punching but I do it as I get the bills in the mail and its not really that much of a hastle at all. I was a few months into the year when I decided to start this system so I had a lot of hole-punching to catch up on, haha.

But, that's our system and I love how everything is together and in chronological order and I have our bank statements in there as well to track our spending and make sure checks have cleared, etc. Plus, its just super cute to look at!

I'd love to hear or see your home finance organizing systems. Please share in the comments below!