Our church does movies nights on Friday nights and our preacher has been preaching on a series called courageous. My mom, dad, sister, husband and I all attended the movie night on Friday for the first time together. Boy am I glad we did. This movie will tug on your heart strings. I came stocked with tissues because the preview our preacher showed us pretty much told me I would be balling my eyes out. It will make you laugh, cry and feel inspired! It is a wonderful Christian faith based movie with a positive family message; we so NEED more movies like these. My husband and I don't have children yet, but it really got us thinking about the kind of parents we want to be. I'm going this week to buy it on DVD to have and watch anytime we want.
Have you seen this movie already? Tell me what you thought. If you haven't and you decide to watch it, I hope it touches you the way it did us.