Sunday, March 25, 2012

Courageous The Movie

Have you seen this movie? If not, I highly suggest you do. It truly touched my heart. Watch the trailer below.

Our church does movies nights on Friday nights and our preacher has been preaching on a series called courageous. My mom, dad, sister, husband and I all attended the movie night on Friday for the first time together. Boy am I glad we did. This movie will tug on your heart strings. I came stocked with tissues because the preview our preacher showed us pretty much told me I would be balling my eyes out. It will make you laugh, cry and feel inspired! It is a wonderful Christian faith based movie with a positive family message; we so NEED more movies like these. My husband and I don't have children yet, but it really got us thinking about the kind of parents we want to be. I'm going this week to buy it on DVD to have and watch anytime we want.

Have you seen this movie already? Tell me what you thought. If you haven't and you decide to watch it, I hope it touches you the way it did us.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Easter Wreath

I know this is a little early, but Easter will be here before we know it. I was supposed to do this craft with my friend when I was at her house visiting. We went and got all our supplies at Michael's. But I had to rush home for a family emergency and ended up doing the craft by myself. Anytime I am stressed, I craft. Focusing on one thing really helps calm me down and clear my head. So that's why this post is so early.

Like I said, we went and picked out what we wanted to decorate our wreaths with. They had so much to choose from so if you decide to do this, just get an idea in your head of what you want your wreath to look like and find things that fit. Really all I needed other than that was a hot glue gun and lots of glue sticks. Normally I am a stickler for details but on this I wasn't trying to be perfect. With the way the wreath was it was impossible to lay every egg perfectly, and I think it makes it look craftier when its not perfect.

So here is the finished product. Let me know what you think. If you try it, send me a picture of your finished wreath and I'll feature you on this post. :)